Contact Details:
Cell Phone No.: - 0086-18193065347
E-mail Address: - M.akbari8686@yahoo.com
Address:-Linxia Modern Vocational College
Activities & Skills:
-Worked in the field of Persian Arts and philosophy.
(Persian Discussion and dialogue – Persian speech – Persian media studies).
-Have experience in the field of computer; Windows, Word & Internet.
- Training Courses: - Multi-media, the Expert Teacher & Teaching Quality.
Degree Awarded: - Bachelor of Persian Art and Bachelor of philosophy
Field of Study: - Persian Language
Major Grade: - Very Good
University: - Homini University
Faculty: - Persian Art
Date of Graduation: - Sep, 2014
Work Experience:
In Home Land: - Worked as a teacher in Mustafa University.
- Worked as a supervisor in the students’ guidance and
Abroad: - Working as a Persian Language Expert in in Linxia Modern Vocational college from 2017 to 2019.
Current job: Working as a Persian Language Expert in Linxia Modern Vocational college from 2017 to 2019.